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Are you ready to sleuth?
All members of the Michigan Account were invited to the Lansing office for a grand celebration, but when you and your fellow breakout room detectives arrived, the place was eerily empty! This is super strange because we're all known for being punctual and responsible practitioners, right? 🤔
But wait! The party planning committee left their top-secret planner in one of the conference rooms. The catch? It's locked with a secret code to keep our LLC planning secrets safe.
Can you crack the code using the mysterious clues hidden between the 3rd and 4th floors? Time to put on your detective hats and solve the mystery...
How To Play:
Items are interactable, so hover your mouse around to see what can be clicked. You will not need to Google anything so no cheating!!! Refreshing the tab will reset your progress.
Navigate between floors using the buttons at the top right.​
A clue on one floor may correspond to something on the other floor, so work together to remember what you've discovered!
You can view your current time at the top of the page. Once you've solved the mystery, you may exit the breakout room to the main lobby of the Zoom call and share your time!
You can reveal a hint using the hint icon, but this will add 1 Minute to your timer. There is no guarantee that the hint you receive won't be something you've already solved!
You can reopen these tips anytime using the icon at the top left.

Click the button below to receive a hint and add 2 minutes of penalty time to your clock! You can review hints you've already received here at any time.
1. There is a common thread between the words "deliverable", "schedule", and "method". Look closely at the words provided.
2. The shapes on the sticky note create a system of equations. If only there was some way to isolate the variables algebraically...
3. Make sure you investigate all items in a room, even down to the smallest scrap of paper lying about.

Alright, now how to open that planner?
I better look around for clues.

People should really erase their meeting notes...maybe I can find something laying around to help decode this.

I'm sure there's a Deloitte "That Guy" video warning against writing down passwords for this exact reason.

And THAT'S why we do our KnowBe4 Trainings! Who said we wouldn't need algebra in the real world?

LLC Party Planner
Note: Incorrect Passwords add 3 minutes to your time!

Oh man, no wonder nobody's here. It's a Saturday! I guess we'll just have to wait until Monday to celebrate our awesome team :)
You solved the mystery with a time of:
Return to the main room to share your success.

Huh, empty. Looks like someone hid their lunch from hungry eyes! Better keep looking around.

Littering?! Not on my watch. I'll hold onto this, it may be important for expensing per diem.

I'm pretty sure I've caught my co-workers communicating with morse code via blinks during PBRs before.

This riddle is written like it's the weirdest User Story persona I've ever seen.
I wonder what it means?

That sure is a nice looking sandwich... shame if something were to happen to it...

Phew! Finally out of this stairwell—next time I'll just take the elevators.

It's pretty cool that all the Lansing Conference rooms are named after famous Michiganders. Otherwise, nothing of note. Hehehe, pun intended.